
by Amiens Ville

Travel & Local


Any information Amiens Metropole in your phone? Its possible !"The app" (this is his name) will give you all the information you need to discover and be connected to the news of the Amiens metropolis.The "app" of the city of Amiens and Amiens Métropole is intended to provide practical information and real services to the citizen. The news of the territory, the schedules of your pool, know the quality of the air, the calendar of events, pay your bills ... everything is there, on a click! WHY START A MOBILE APPLICATION?To have all the practical information at your fingertips.AN APPLICATION LIKE OTHERS?No, because you will be able to customize your application! News, agenda, swimming pool, pharmacy, library, schools, crèches ... compose your application and its services to your image, according to your needs! No need to navigate several times, the "app" saves your preferences and puts them in front of its opening. You can only check the sports news for example, the agenda of the concerts to the moon of the pirates, the phone number of the school, the schedules of your garbage dump, the schedules of passage of the next bus, the films with the poster cinemas and many more!But the best is still to discover it for yourselfIS THIS APPLICATION PAYABLE?No, this application is completely free HOW TO OBTAIN THIS FREE APPLICATION?Search for "Amiens" with your phone on Google Play (Android systems) or on the Apple Store (iPhone).